
Personal Life Coach & Counsellor

Mental and Emotional Detox

1. Capture those thoughts

Thoughts create moods so you should not think thoughts that are linked to negative emotion. You must learn how to control your thought life by using what Dr. Leaf calls the ‘magic tree’ (a mind sieve). This ‘magic tree’ is where the relationship of the free will and components of the human brain and hormone system (such as the corpus and limbic callosum and the limbic system) work together to create emotion from thoughts. In other words, use the free will properly by checking all mind thoughts with our heart mind. Make a conscious decision to accept or reject information and thoughts that run through your mind. In other words if you have a positive thought in your mind, accept it, and if its negative and not conducive to self-actualisation and self-growth then reject it. But you have to be mindful at all times to monitor your thought process. As time goes by your mind will be programmed (by you) to think more positively and less negatively, but the trick is to be mindful at all times and to use the mind sieve ‘magic tree’.

Build a memory that deals with the emotional stronghold in order to break down the ‘thorn trees’ (fear based emotions)that are filed away in the brain. Your attitude should be a constant state of mind that influences positive behaviour. Be very alert to your mental responses to all thoughts and imputed data. Remember not to react to your first emotional impulse reaction, as this is the incorrect one, it is the second emotional impulse reaction that is to be embraced. As the second one is the message from the ‘heart mind’, which is generally experienced as a soft voice/thought and often referred to as the voice of God or the Holy Spirit. YOU ARE WHAT YOU THINK, so accept good uplifting thoughts and reactions and reject the others (known as fear based).

Stop negative thinking and thoughts such as putting things off to a later time, for example saying, “I will do it tomorrow”, “This isn’t going to work” or “There is no opportunity”.

2. Frame your world with your words

What you say is what you get. A vibration representing the meaning of the words you speak are fed back into your brain. Also outwardly a vibration (representing the meaning of the words you speak)is sent forever and never to be retrieved. Also negative words are responsible for bad (damaging)chemicals sent to your body and brain (later causing mental/health complications).

One must use positive language and thought, “Speak with the mind” while “Believe in the heart”.

Before you speak, work out work is in your mind and in your heart. Acknowledge that an issue exists in the mind then consider how to get to grips with it, before speaking.

REMEMBER what you say is what you get.

3. Express those emotions

Expressing emotions allows the healthy flow of chemicals through your systems. But if you totally block your emotions your neuro pathways will also get blocked. It is unhealthy and improper to ‘swim’ in your emotions, but instead allow yourself just to pass through them. There are several ways and methods to deal with emotion. For example, go help someone, do someone a favour, and be a giver. Also admit to yourself (and others if challenged) that you have the emotion. Reveal rather than conceal it where it can fester. Admit to it so you can deal with it. Don’t put it off to another day, deal with it immediately and when it is most appropriate.

Dealing with emotion is linked with attitude and state of mind.

Some of the signs of repressed emotions are:- fretful, impulsive, a desire for control, perfectionism, self-doubt, feeling irritable, short tempered, over-reactive, anxious and frustrated.

4. Take responsibility and take control

At this point we take a deep look at ourselves and resolve to take full control and responsibility of our lives. We can do this by thinking very hard to resolve all issues. Face yourself and bring your real self out. You can do this by asking/answering/discussing internally upon all issues while simultaneously loving others and being interactive.

5. Dream On

The dream state re-adjusts the brain and sorts out the thinking process and data. Dreams tell you things and are a good source for problem solution. So capture them and understand them. When you wake up from a dream write it down straight away while it is still fresh in your memory. Have a pen and notepad handy nearby. Study some books on dream interpretation if you like. But is doesn’t matter if you don’t understand them because writing them down anyway is good for the mind and its healing solution solving process. As time goes by and with practice you will be able to remember the dreams better and better. And also in time you will intuitively understand them more and more. Suggest to yourself just prior to falling asleep that “when I wake up in the morning I will remember the dream and understand it”.

6. Forgiveness

All the great sages throughout history advocated forgiveness. If you don’t forgive your memory will control you. If you do forgive, negative emotions will be released from you. And damaging chemicals that are potentially released via your endocrine hormone system will not be reacted out into your bloodstream. Forgiving is a sign of great character strength. Forgive people in spite of their bad behaviour. Don’t ignore your feelings when you forgive. It is normal to have negative feelings when someone has crossed you. Practice being aware of your pain, acknowledge it and then release it so you can go about the business of forgiveness. Forgiving helps relieve the pain. If you pray, forgive everyone that comes to your mind that you believe that have transgressed you. Harbouring resentment can be a great impediment to prayer and positive thinking. When a situation comes to you where you feel transgressed by someone, practice not taking the first impulse to judge, but wait a second or two and hear the soft voice from the heart telling you to not judge (or if its too late and you have judged) but forgive. The more you practice this, the more you become aware, and the easier it becomes. Remember the old sayings “what comes around goes around” or “what you sow you will reap”. Well that also applies to forgiveness. By the measure you forgive others, others will forgive you.

7. Love

Both giving and receiving love will help the brain and the body’s immune system. As the old adage affirms, ‘Love conquers all’.

Modern medical science and research has proven that there is a direct link between positive emotions and health both mental and physical. The heart is a ‘Mini-brain’ and is an ethics screen for brain thoughts. It’s no secret that we should listen to our ‘heart’ in preference to our conflicting mind thoughts.

Listening to our heart will make it easier to do right thoughts, talk and action. Good exercises for love are:-

  • Tell someone that you love them
  • Gift to people
  • Forgive in your heart, mind and action to others who have in your opinion transgressed against you.
  • Think of all your blessings in life and write them all down, talk to others that share those blessings with you, remind each other of the blessings and good fortune in life
  • Be of a thankful attitude, always thanking God (life) your parents, family and friends of their goodness to you.
  • Be of courage in life and welcome positive change
  • Avoid fear. Because fear clouds the heart.
  • Remember that ‘Perfect love casts out fear’

8. Touch and hug therapy

Do lots of hugging will people you have affinity with and care about and do kind sincere touching with those you love. Touching someone and being touched is important. Modern research has found that babies grow and survive better when having been touched by their mothers than babies that have not been touched.

9. Laugh and play

Try to laugh as much as possible. Read jokes and comedies. Watch comedy plays and movies. Play fun games with others. Research has shown that playing and laughing reduces aggression and depression. Laugh and play can break and change negative thoughts and negative repetitive thoughts pattern. Laughing will improve the intellect, thinking skills and mind flexibility. It also connects us with other people while removing the feeling of loneliness.

10. Exercise

Exercise is good for the physical health. We need to get the heart pumping and circulate the blood. This is a positive mood enhancer and ‘brain cleaner’.

11. Diet

Eating should be considered and emotional event. When you hear about someone having a ‘gut feeling’ this is real and not made up. There are neurons in the ‘gut’ (stomach) and the organ pancreas actually gives out emotional peptides.

So it is very important not to eat when you are angry or experiencing any unpleasant or negative emotions, especially if you are trying to bury those emotions. Negative emotions are ‘toxic’ to the body and mind. The negative emotions will adversely affect digestion. Often people comment how they are put off food when under a negative emotion. This is the body’s protective response. Listen to the body and do not eat when you have a problem or under a negative emotion. Of course do not starve yourself but address the problems and emotions as best as you can. Be attentive and mindful of this emotion and digestion relationship.


  • Excess carbohydrates will dull the mind.
  • Brown rice is ok
  • Don’t eat heated fats and oils
  • The brain needs protein (meat/legumes) and oxygen (exercise)
  • Drink lots of clean water, the brain doesn’t like dehydration
  • Don’t cook in fat/oil/margarine/butter
  • Eat plenty of vegetables that are in season
  • Try to eat your fruit in the morning
  • Try to eat your protein in the evening
  • Several (6) small meals per day are far better than a few (3) big ones
  • Oats is excellent
  • Sprouted seeds are excellent
  • Garlic and ginger are excellent for flavour and the immune system
  • Blueberries are excellent for anti-oxidants
  • Apples are excellent
  • Daily nuts such as walnuts, brazil nuts and almonds but not too much
  • Do a one to three water fast every now and then (check with your Doctor first)
  • Go vegetarian or vegan now and then to give your body a rest from the toxins that are absorbed from meat. You can replace meat protein with legume protein. If you can go vegetarian or vegan without adverse affects then this would be a more healthy permanent diet.

12. Spiritual life

Be dedicated to your spiritual and religious beliefs. Do not live a lie. Be honest with your beliefs. It is extremely healthy to have a spiritual aspect to your life. If you believe in God, then pray and give thanks to your God, study the Holy manuscripts connected with your religion and do not forsake the assembling together with like minded people. If you are not religious and even don’t believe in a God try to meditate and study philosophy. It is good to have structure and code within your life. Be always thankful and helpful.

13. Relax

Maintain a healthy balance between work and rest.

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